Thursday 7 January 2010


In the modern parlance and for my purposes a 'hater' is someone who post what amounts to disrespectful comments on websites. So, as I just saw, a photo of an ahead of his time Arnold becomes 'so-so legs'. Equally, as per a post and later an article by Lee Priest when you're told of the latest pro being videoed and that said video will shortly be available for you to enjoy instead of thanking said site and the pro (training hard, dieting hard and not really wanting to be distracted) for said video instead, as per Lee's comment, you get 'where the fuck is it then?' and worse.

I even found myself having to ask on a well-known grip site for the over eager members, metaphorically speaking out loud (wondering who will be chosen and why for the MM event) to 'please not shoot us in the foot and killing off of those who might be chosen chances before it's actually been decided.

On one level it's annoying because the 'expert' making said snide comments isn't even worthy of the Brit title 'Back Room Lawyer' (would be expert who actually knows nowt but sounds good). No, 9/10 it's someone who at best holds an opinion but when pressed shows little or no knowledge. I've even had some experience of being told that I am 'not doing it right' when I'm the record holder on the event in question and in another case I was the one making up the rule to be followed. Less of an issue is some poor sod using every known exercise technique ever invented and then getting nowhere and me doing far, far less and kicking ass.

One point, in light of the above, is genetic freaks (I may qualify... I may not) being told 'you're not doing it right' yet who blatantly are far, far better than those making the comment. This often happens with said monster pro being questioned about 'no full range reps'.

There's examples of this all the time. It's annoying - give it a rest. At worst the constant negativity wears both parties down and can also end up damaging said sport. That works thus: member of a news program, paper etc, signs up to get a sound-bite or view of the sport and finds nothing but sniping, back biting and worse and goes away and writes to the world of how shit we are. Sometimes the world doesn't actually need your input. Think on.

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