Tuesday 3 November 2009

World of Grip awards

So David Horne has posted up his World of Grip awards and put some suggestions of his own. I'm doing ok with a few votes. But some of the guys must think it's a 'who do you LOVE the most' comp cos they're putting up names of guys who asses I WHIPPED. I mean Paul Knight, who is a great easy going guy and a good gripper man - have no doubt, I whipped his butt but good. Gabriel Sum, again a guy and a good all rounder, but I won 4 of the 5 events last time we met and Sam Solomi beat him on the other. Now my German buddies might love him but did he beat me? No. So what the hell??

And one guy chose Jedd Johnson as his best newcomer for 2009. Jedd is probably the US's best pincher, number 3 as an all rounder in the US and has been helping to hold as well as compete in the US nationals since, what, 2004?? So a new comer?? What are ya - morons??

Only cos I can't vote for myself did I add Chad Woodall, Andrew Durniat
and Gabriel Sum for my top 3 in 09. Otherwise it have been a toss up between Chad and I for the first 2 spots then Andy with Gabriel in 4th.

All this is without getting into those that forget which country some of the guys come from - clue Sam Solomi is from Devon, England ya numpty!!


  1. Any open vote is going to be tainted by peoples "ignorance". A fixed list of voting options prepared by someone in the know is the way to go. Having said that, I probably wouldn't have appeared on it!

  2. First thanks for the reply - feedback is good. The way I see it (sounds like a newspaper section) is that the info is out there for everyone. We're all sat at PC's with access to the same reams of info and yet there we was. As I said in the piece some made choices not on who did well but on who they liked. So David could have said 'pick who you prefer' and that would have helped. Perhaps a 'and say why' might have been useful.

  3. Oh... it's worth saying that mild mannered postings here get shit so something with a little bite gets a better reaction... as per yours :)


Thanks for your comment. I'm looking for worldwise submissions, additions and constructive comments. I reserve the right to remove, edit and if need be go raving mad. :)