Saturday 27 March 2010

Loving the mis-load

I've had this happen a few times when I've trained. I remember taking my youngest brother Mike to a gym in Peckham (owned at the time by Gladiator 'Wolf'/Mick Van Wyck) and benching with dumbbells. I was capable of using, so I thought, 90's per hand. However, having managed to push up a rep Mike pointed out one was a 90 but the other... 105! I very nearly dropped it on my face in surprise.

Today, on what is my 2nd only session on one hand deadlifts with the thumb over style in many a year (2+) I thought I was pulling, one hand at a time, 130-kilos left and then 140-kilos right but one of the lads pointed out (always someone else ha!) I was pulling 160-kilos right which meant the left had been 140-kilos. I'm pretty sure my best previously was around those numbers.

In other words, as well as having a great session (rather than drop down I did 4 singles with the loaded weight) I also had proof of the adage - if your mind doesn't know what's loaded it'll pull whatever. Obviously if it had been loads more - not a chance. But a little more?

The only other aspects which MAY have helped was:
1) that the bar is very slightly, and I mean slightly, cambered.
2) I'd had 2 cups of coffee about 1 hour apart
3) I trained later than usual and
4) I was showing one of the lads some 'geeing up' techniques

Don't let your mind be the limiting factor when you lift.

1 comment:

  1. It's the other way for me! Training grippers once I did a smooth mms close on a #3 with a little grind for effect. Elated. Then realised it was the #2.5! Shit.


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