Wednesday 10 March 2010


Bloody email. It's a royal pain in the ass sending large data via my PC as I'm trying to send a package of photos over. As and when I do there will be a gallery of the Arnold stuff for you to look at on my personal site.

If there's another 'arrggghh' in the works it's based on the 'paint not yet dry' breakdown of the only just taken place MM event. Mere days have passed and I'd guess some of us (me etc) have yet to fully recover and already it's being picked over. Yet, again as per my own nagging, where's the structure needed in the US? Let's not over analyze an event before we have in place the association needed.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a dummy on computer stuff but I use Yahoo Messenger to send larger files - I don't know what the limits are but bigger than email for sure. Maybe the computer guys will know a better way.


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