Tuesday 6 April 2010

Silly headlines 1

Much as I love my bodybuilding magazines they do publish some crackers. Take this month's issue of Body Fitness; according to their headline you can now 'grow while you sleep, yes now it is possible!'.

Wow! You mean to say it wasn't possible before and, as science may have told us before, most growth and repair takes place while we're asleep. Not exactly headline grabber of the century then. I'm sure I'll have a few more 'exclusives' in time.


  1. Read this months Mens Health. "New workout equipment - add chains to your barbell whilst benching". Along with gems such as "prevent cancer - eat popcorn". FFS.

  2. Classics!! The same year the EU is looking to restrict dose amounts of vitamins due to over BS style marketing of the same (Vit C is not, per se, a 'cure for cancer') nor is fucking popcorn. And chains... how old are they? MORE!!


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