Sunday 11 April 2010

Me no like 2nd place

Yep, another 'not first place'. Yesterday in what was the 4th and final leg of the W.O.G. Super Series I came 2nd and 2nd overall in the series. But I don't like 2nd. I much prefer first and so will be motivated to, as the saying goes, 'bring game' for the next events or three.


  1. What's the saying? "There's first and then there's nowhere". I can just about stand losing to you and David, but losing to Nick McKinless with his damned good lucks and film career >.<
    All the best, from Mr. Nowhere

  2. :) I think I've gotten used to being 1st and so the taste was that much more bitter. Nowt to do with the lads in front just me.

  3. You getting fired up for first is going to mean there's going to be some damn impressive stuff coming this year. Good luck Steve!

  4. True. I'm off to the gym to do Vulcan and 2Hp soon and will have that in mind.


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