Saturday 12 December 2009

New 2 hand pinch world record

Subject to the final results of this weekends event Jedd just posted this:

I just jumped onto Climber's computer to let everyone know that I just broke the pinch record.

and some change!!

Thanks to everyone who has supported me over the years. I could not do it without you guys.

Also, just before my round on the pinch at 54 mil, Chad Woodall also broke the record. He hit 255 and some change. It has been an awesome contest so far and Chad's outstanding lift pushed me even harder.

All the best everybody!


  1. Time for Steve Gardener and David Horne to "man up" and get that record back to the UK again. My money is on a 117Kg pull,this time it's personal!

  2. Ya got that right. I had a little think about this earlier. Indeed before I heard of their records. It's easy to say it's about the person and being honest I've used a face as a motivating factor (one of many) when it's helped. But thus far this time spent on my attack has been all about the number. Now I have a new one. If I do what I did before but a tad higher... then we're back in business with the record here where it belongs ;) LOL


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